Portuguese Version



LINKIT - Computer Modelling Tool for Education - José Bonifácio Foundation - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Brazil (FUJB/ALV 97 No. 7689-9)
Coordinator: Dr. Fábio Ferrentini Sampaio

LINKIT Project: Developing and Testing of a Computer Modelling Tool for Education - Brazilian Research Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq / Brazil (No.000520802/97)
Coordinator: Dr. Fábio Ferrentini Sampaio

CMEELS Project - Computer Modelling Enviroment For Exploratory Learning in Science - Brazilian Research Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq / Brazil (N° 468522/00)
Coordinator: Laércio Ferracioli

Thesis (Abstracts in PDF files - Get Adobe Abrobat here)

CAMILLETI, Giuseppi Gava - Semiquantitative Computational Modelling Environment
in the Study of Science Topics:An Exploratory Study with Universities Students

HADJU, Gustavo Jacques Meduna - STDTool: A Proposal of a Semiquantitative Computer Modelling System for Systems Thinking Learning

MOREIRA, Gustavo Schmidt - The Use of a Computational Modelling System in the Teaching of Topics of Economy: Case Studies with Students of a Secondary School